They were men of principles, whose idealism helped bring freedom to the country. But in the process, did their idealism also affect their families? For instance, take the much-talked about rift between Mahatma Gandhi and his son, Harilal. Many believe it arose because Gandhi did not recommend his son's name for a scholarship, as he didn't want to be accused of nepotism. Other leaders too, tended to keep their public and private lives separate. All this leads to the question: Did India's first generation of political leaders consciously try to keep their families away from politics and public life, lest they get an unfair advantage because of their famous surnames?
"In many ways, it is true. India has always had a nepotistic culture. But people like Nehru, Gandhi, Patel and other leaders of the freedom movement tried to rise above this kind of dynastic ethos," says historian Ramachandra Guha.
Gandhi, for instance didn't want his sons to get preferential treatment and he was transparently honest about it.
Similarly, Sardar Patel is believed to have written to a friend about his son, Dahyabhai, a businessman who later got into politics, "I take no interest in Dahyabhai's personal and business interests. All that I'm interested in is to ensure that no consideration is extended to him because he happens to be my son."
It was a sentiment typical of the environment of idealistic fervour that defined those times, says Guha. Most of these leaders, in fact, genuinely believed they would be doing the country a great disservice if they promoted their kith and kin. Agrees Firoz Bakht Ahmed, grand-nephew of Maulana Azad, "My father Nooruddin Ahmed, who was Maulana Azad's nephew, once applied for the post of librarian at ICCR. He got the job at the behest of the secretary of the society. At that time, Maulana Azad was not in Delhi. When he came to know of this, he immediately asked his nephew to resign and wrote a letter to the society saying the job be given to someone else."
This idealism, though laudable, also raises the question whether in the process, genuinely meritorious family members of these leaders were disadvantaged. "Perhaps there was some disadvantage if you were related to the politi cians of the time, as they were people who squirmed even at the thought of favours being given to their families," admits Anil Shastri, son of former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri. "In fact, my father was so particular that his position as prime minister shouldn't give any undue advantage to his children, that I was even afraid to mention my surname while applying to St Stephen's College," he says.
Tara Sinha, grand-daughter of former President Dr Rajendra Prasad, agrees that family members, especially children had to lead a balanced life so that the ideals which were dear to their fathers weren't compromised. "For instance, my father, Mrityunjay Prasad, was a bright student who was expected to win a scholarship in the university where he was studying. However, my grandfather, in response to Gandhiji's call to boycott western education, had him withdrawn from the university and asked him to complete his education from Bihar Vidyapeeth, an institution that was started by nationalist leaders," she says.
Probably the leaders of the time, having seen the difficult and turbulent days of the freedom struggle, knew that their task now lay in nation-building. And that's why they made sure their family members did not take undue advantage of their position, always emphasising on giving to the country rather than taking, says Ashoka Jahnavai Prasad, great-grandson of Rajendra Prasad. "I think that the family members of these leaders are today grateful to them for this," he says.
In contrast, however, nepotism is the order of the day today, not just in politics, but in almost every field — from business to films to even sports, says Guha. "The principles prevalent in our society are diametrically opposite to the ones that leaders of our freedom movement advocated and lived by. Promoting your family members is seen as an expected thing to do today. The way this has seeped into our system is alarming, since it is damaging the very foundations of our democracy and leading to a sense of despair among youth who do not have a family name or connections to flaunt," he says.
As we celebrate the 60th year of independence, perhaps it's time we revisit the lives of the fathers of the freedom struggle and remember some lessons that seem to have been forgotten.